Complete the Application for the SPRING CPE Course
March 3, 2025-May 25, 2025
Tuition-$1375.00/per course
Application Deadline: February 3, 2025
Meet 1x/week for 12 Weeks in Class
Meet Every Other Week for Individual
Dr. Rich Behers, CPE Training Supervisor/Educator
Clinical Pastoral Education is theological learning through experience in a clinical setting, under the supervision of a certified CPE Training Supervisor/Educator. CPE provides a process for integrating various aspects of theological education into a personal theology and professional style of ministry. The goal of CPE is to give opportunities to function as ministers while receiving guidance to render pastoral care. In the process, one’s own unique gifts in ministry are called forth, recognized, and strengthened.
The main educational purposes of this program are to provide opportunities to render pastoral care to individuals under stress in multi-institutional settings, to develop pastoral identity, and to master a body of interpersonal skills and academic materials related to pastoral care functions. In the process of fulfilling these purposes, the student/ trainee will be able to set individualized learning goals and evaluate theological and pastoral presuppositions and procedures within the context of relationships with a chaplain supervisor, student colleagues, potentially staff chaplains and professionals from other disciplines.
The Hospice Chaplaincy Resource Center, LLC does not discriminate against persons because of race, gender, age, faith group, national origin, sexual orientation or physical disability.
September 3-December 22: Duration of Classes
August 12: Application Deadline
August 26 : Student Tuition Payment Deadline
Coming in the Fall
Podcast: Getting the Day Going with the Chaplain
Online Self-directed Chaplaincy Studies
contact email: rich@hcrc.store
Begin the Application Below