Dr. Rich Behers, BCC, CFHPC
Dr. Rich Behers, , BCC, CFHPC is credentialed as a Board Certified Chaplain by the Association of Professional Chaplains and a Clinical Fellow in Hospice and Palliative Care by the College of Pastoral Supervision and Psychotherapy. Dr. Behers is a CPE Training Supervisor/Educator credentialed with CPE-International.
Background & Experience
Dr. Behers is the author of Spiritual Care for People Living with Dementia using Multisensory Interventions (Jessica Kingsley Publishers). Also, he authored these pastoral care resources: Toward Excellence in Pastoral Care; Algorithms for Spiritual Care and The Users’ Guide; Spiritual Care According to Disease Process; How to Write Clinically. He recently published 30 Days With The Chaplain.
His influence and teaching on hospice chaplaincy extend to both national and international audiences. He presented workshops for Healthcare Chaplaincy Network on the topics of “Quality Improvement: Hospice Chaplaincy Philosophy and Clinical Documentation Strategies”. The Association of Professional Chaplains had Rich present on the topic of “Communicating Spirituality to Patients with Alzheimer’s Disease and Other Dementias”. In March of 2017 in Chicago, he presented “Spiritual Care According to Disease Process” at the HCCN annual conference, and he presented a workshop on quality improvement at the annual conference of the Association of Professional Chaplains in Houston, TX, in June of 2017. He presented on the topic of dementia care in Myrtle Beach for Healthcare Chaplaincy Network in May of 2019. His work is recognized by non-chaplaincy organizations as well as he presented his work on the Dementia Care Protocol to the Florida State Conference of The National Association of Retired Federal Employees in May of 2019 in Orlando, FL.
Dr. Behers recognizes the hunger for information that exists among hospice chaplains. It is this hunger that prompted him to establish The Hospice Chaplaincy Resource Center.
He created this Resource Center to aid and strengthen Hospice Chaplains. In so doing every topic has been rigorously reviewed for the highest and best in content and applicability.